<2022年10月8日 釜山国際映画祭 田中泯による上映後トークのご報告>
ウェブマガジン:「cinefil」 シネフィル編集部
トーク内容はこちらにおおよそ掲示されております。是非お読みいただけると感慨です。Madada Inc.
English announcement follows below.
「韓国でもいくつかは踊ってきた。しかし、もっと田舎とか、小さな街とか、雑踏とか、韓国の色々な場所で踊ってみたいとずっと思っていた…。ただ… 日本が歴史の中でやってしまった悪い記憶が僕のカラダには僕個人が当事者でないにしてもしっかりと残っている。すごく辛いことだと思っている。僕自身は、すまないことをしたんだ、と思っている。…… あ、えっと… まさかこんなことを言うとは思ってなかったんだけれど… 」
その瞬間を伝えるのは厳密には不可能なんだが… 釜山映画祭の一体の会場から、むしろ田中泯が心を開かれた瞬間だったように思えた…。
うん、私は田中泯と出会いかれこれ30年近くになりつつあるのだが… 田中のさまざまをみてきましたが、これぞ田中泯 そんなアフタートークだったのでした。また記憶に深く残る時間を過ごさせてもらった。
He joined the talk event online. He, Min Tanaka, is the person who has kept pursuing an expression of a body. I suspect it could be the hardest thing for him to do it through a monitor…
The biggest concern he had before joining the session was that he had to be able to see the auditorium during the event. It would be impossible for him to communicate with the audience with just an exchange of voices. A moment before the talk began, we got a confirmation with the Busan International Film Festival that two views, his face and the audience, would be simultaneously projected on the screen on stage! After screening the film, on stage were the MC and the simultaneous translator, and in front of them the audience in Korea, the first in the world to have just seen the film. The session began. The article linked below has its details and I hope you have time to reading it. But here in this post, I would like to share my personal comment separately from the report.
We had no idea that director Jang Jae-hyun, whom we met with his Korean film Svaha: The Sixth Finger, was there in the auditorium. And the question he asked in the event contained his sincerity, respect, and courage. The audience felt that too, and from there, Tanaka’s words in his answer evolved more and more into very much like him.
“Dance functions as a communication of life, and thanks to that, I have met an unbelievable number of people all over the world. Without ever thinking to claim like “my dance” or “a work I made,” I have long believed what emerges in a place mediating my body as dance. That is what I have always danced.” From there, he talked about frightened memories of a performance in Prague before the Velvet Revolution, and which then led him to perform in former communist countries. The story expanded further, and he continued to…
Note: this is not a transcript of the talk, but I confirmed the content with him.
“I have danced a few times in Korea. But I’ve always wanted to dance in various places in the country such as the remote areas, small towns, or on nameless streets… However… In my body there is a clear memory of the horrible things that Japan did to the country in the history, though I am not the actual actor. It is a very painful memory. I know I am sorry for what was done… Um, well, I was surprised myself to say this…”
Strictly speaking, it is impossible to convey you how the moment evolved… But it seemed to me that Min Tanaka’s heart was opened up by the audience who shared the sense of unity in the Busan International Film Festival.
Yeah, it has been almost thirty years since I first met him… I have seen various phases of him and I can tell you that it was exactly the talk session of Min Tanaka. It was another deeply impressive moment that I would cherish for a long time.
The film will be released in Japan in next year, and I strongly hope that the audience in Japan will enjoy it.
Rin Ishihara (dancer)

#舞台挨拶 #アフタートーク #韓国 #釜山 #国際映画祭 #TheUnnameableDance #Dance #Actor #MinTanaka #다나카민 #IsshinInudo #名付けようのない踊り #ダンス #俳優 #田中泯 #映画監督 #犬童一心 #石原淋 #이시하라린 #RinIshihara #animator #Illustrator #KojiYamamura #Korea #Busan #InternationalFilmFestiva #TVtokyol #松竹株式会社 #ハピネットファントムスタジオ