田中泯 ダンス
―オドリに惚れちゃって!― 「形の冒険」
東京芸術劇場 シアターイースト
田中泯 ダンス
―オドリに惚れちゃって!― 「形の冒険」
1945年生まれ。1966年クラッシックバレエ、モダンダンスを学んだ後、1974年から独自のダンス、身体表現を追求。海外デビューは、パリ・秋芸の術祭『間―日本の時空間』展(ルーブル装飾美術館、1978年)。これをきっかけにし、ゆるやかで微細な動きで身体の潜在性を掘り起こすパフォーマンスは、ダンスをはるかに越えて、新しい芸術表現として世界に衝撃をもたらした。一方、1985年から今日に至るまで、山村へ移り住み農業を礎とした日常生活をおくることでより深い身体性を追求している。02年、映画『たそがれ清兵衛』(山田洋次監督)初出演により、映像への出演も多く、稀有な演技力によって異彩を放っている。著書『僕はずっと裸だった』、共著『意身伝心』、写真集『「光合成」MIN by KEIICHI TAHARA』。
23日 犬童一心(映画監督)
24日 ヴィヴィアン佐藤(美術家)
25日 松岡正剛(編集工学者)
会場:東京芸術劇場 シアターイースト
電話03-5391-2111(代) (休館日を除く 9:00〜22:00)
■JR・東京メトロ・東武東上線・西武池袋線 池袋駅西口より徒歩2分。
全席指定(前売・当日 共):一般3,000円 、25歳以下1,500円
PC http://www.geigeki.jp/t/
携帯 http://www.geigeki.jp/i/t/
Min Tanaka Dance
Adventure of Form: Fallin’ for Dance!
For a long time, I have always thought I was dancing even though no one could see it. Life resides in a body and so it is moving, though hard to see. It is trembling. Crying. Raging. Laughing. The body is alive together with the earth. I am a dance, in the body, desperately trying to become the body. Min Tanaka
Born in 1945. Started learning classical ballet and modern dance in 1966, and began exploring own dance and physical expression in 1974. Debuted internationally with “Time-Space of Japan—MA,” Paris Autumn Festival, at the Louvre Museum in 1978. The performance—extremely gentle and infinitesimal movement to withdraw the potentiality of a body—forged an impact on the art world as a new artistic expression beyond the dance scene. To search for deeper physicality, he has been living in a village in the mountains and concentrating his daily life on farming since 1985. Since his first appearance in the film “Twilight Samurai” directed by Yoji Yamada in 2002, his compelling and distinctive acting has led to numerous film appearances. His books include “My Bare Body,” “Conscious Body, Contagious Mind,” (Coauthored) and photo-book: “Photosynthesis MIN by Keiichi TAHARA.”
Date: Fri, Nov 23, Sat, Nov 24, and Sun, Nov 25, 2018
Time: Performance begins at 15:00 (Reception opens at 14:15/ Foyer opens at 14:30)
◎Each performance is accompanied by a post-performance talk with a guest speaker.
◎The duration of the performances is 60 – 75 minutes and the talk event appx. 60 minutes, both are subject to change.
●Filming will take place in the theatre and surrounding area on November 25, 2018. The film may be used in the content of and for the promotion of “Unnameable Dance (provisional),” a documentary film about Min Tanaka, directed by Isshin Inudo. If you do not wish to appear in the recordings, please avoid entering the area at times given above. We appreciate your cooperation.
Guest Speakers
23rd Isshin Inudo (Film Director)
24th Vivienne Sato (Drag Queen, Artist)
25th Seigo Matsuoka (Editorial Engineer)
Venue: Theatre East at Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre
1-8-1 Nishi-Ikebukuro Toshima-ku, Tokyo
TEL: 03-5391-2111 (available 9:00 – 22:00 daily, except on closing days)
●2-min. walk from the West Exit in Ilebukuro Sta. on JR/Tokyo Metro/Tobu Tojo/Seibu Ikebukuro line, or use the entrance at #2b Exit on the underground pass from Ikebukuro Sta.
Tickets (Reserved seating for both advance and on-the-day tickets):
3,000 yen (Adult) and 1,500 yen (Under 25 w/ID, limited availability)
For Tickets and Inquiry:
Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre Box Office
TEL: 0570-010-296 (available 10:00 – 19:00 except on closing days)
PC: http://www.geigeki.jp/t/
Cellphone: http://www.geigeki.jp/i/t/
Directed and Performed by Min Tanaka
Stage Management by Takashi Hojo (NIKE STAGE WORKS)
Lighting by Ami
Sound by Rin Ishihara
Stage Art by Ran
Staff: Keishi Suzuki, Jumpei Mori, Koichi Nonaka, Ryosuke Yamamoto
Production: Rin Ishihara, Risa Ikeda, Azusa Shirai
Visual Design by Motoyuki Torii
Original Photo by Yoshie Tominaga
Produced by Madada Inc.
In Association with Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)
Thanks to plan-B, Matsuoka & Associates, ADK Arts Inc., and TORII Office