プラハ国立美術館(National Gallery in Prague)

田中泯のパフォーマンス開催期間は終了いたしましたが、展覧会は引き続き8月の27日まで開催しております。たくさんのご来場をお待ちしております。Madada Inc.

ナショナルギャラリー オフィシャルサイト
プラハ国立美術館オフィシャルサイトは全てチェコ語、一部 分量は少ないですが英語での紹介もございます。注:各イベントを拝見いただくにあたり、ナショナルギャラリーは何れにしても入館料が必要となります。通常の美術館と同様、入館料をお支払いの上ご入館ください。ナショナルギャラリーのホームページでの表示は大規模な展覧会により細部に至るまでの詳細掲載が不可能なようです。田中泯のイベントに関しては当ウェブが一番正しい詳細となります。



田原桂一の写真集「光合成」から世界初の展覧会が催されます。これまでに一度も解禁したことのない写真群でもある写真集「光合成」は田中泯のハイパーダンス時代(1978年〜1980年)の3年間を撮り続けた田原桂一と田中泯の共作としての貴重な記録でもあります。この度、チェコ・プラハの巨大な美術館で展覧会を開催することになりました。この展覧会はプラハの国立美術館での2017年の3月17日〜8月27日のグランドオープニングに組み込まれ世界初公開となる催しです。どうぞ皆様のご来場をお待ち申し上げております。Madada Inc.

グランドオープニング展覧会開催期間 2017年3月17日〜8月27日










田原桂一 『光合成』(田中泯 1878-1980)


田中泯 イベント関連に関する詳細情報は以下

*3/16〜3/22(月曜日のみ休館) 朝11:00〜夕方17:00の間


 (2010年/日本、スペイン/8ミリ モノクローム/27分)


 ★映画「ウミヒコ ヤマヒコ マイヒコ」ダンスロード イン インドネシア


  15:00 田中泯「場踊り」
  16:00 トーク 田中泯&オンドレフラブ(アルカシアターディレクター)


Min Tanaka’s performance period has been completed already, however, the exhibition is open until August 27th. We are looking forward to your visit to the National Gallery in Prague. Madada Inc.

National Gallery in Prague Official Website
The official website of the National Gallery in Prague is written mainly in Czech, with limited information in English. Please note that there will be an entrance fee to see all the events including Min Tanaka’s performances, the same as most of other museums. The grand opening consists of number of the large-scale exhibitions, and it seems difficult for the Gallery’s website to announce the detailed information. As the supplement, our website here covers all the details and updates of Min Tanaka’s performance information in National Gallery in Prague.

Part of the information on Min Tanaka’s performance schedule and the film screening has been updated.


There will be a world premiere of the exhibition of the works from Keiichi Tahara’s photo book “Photosynthesis”. Never released over 30 years till now, the photo book “Photosynthesis” is the precious record of Min Tanaka and Keiichi Tahara’s collaboration–Tahara kept shooting for the three years (1978-1980) of Min Tanaka’s early time, “hyper-dance”. We are proud to announce that we are presenting the photographs in the exhibition in an immense art museum in Prague, Czech. The exhibition will be part of the National Gallery in Prague’s grand opening (Mar. 17th, 20017- Aug. 27th, 2017) and it will be the world premiere. We are looking forward to your visit to the prestigious event.
Madada Inc.

Ground opening Exhibition Period: March 17th, 2017 to August 27th, 2017

Grand opening participating Artists and Projects:

“Ai Weiwei. Law of the Journey”

“Olafur Eliasson. Green Light”

“Magdalena Jetelova”

“Moving Image Department: Brian Eno, Jan Nalevka”

“Poetry Passage: Henry Chopin and Ladislav Novak”

“Epos257: Retro-reflection”

“Introducing Pavla Dundalkova”

(group exhibition)
“Kneaded Knowledge. The Language of Ceramics”: Edmund de Waal and Ai Weiwei

Keiichi Tahara: Photosynthesis 1978–1980 featuring Min Tanaka


Min Tanaka’s Performance Period: March 16 to March 22
Time: 11:00 to 17:00, daily, expected to be a non-stop performance
“I cannot define the exact time, but I try to continue dancing as much as possible during the scheduled time.” –Min Tanaka
(Except on Monday, when Gallery is closed)
Location: 5th floor of the Gallery building, at the exhibition site of Keiichi Tahara’s Photosynthesis. There will be designated space for Min Tanaka within the site.

On Monday, while the Gallery is closed:
There will be a performance and After Talk at a square in front of the Gallery’s café with glass wall, located on the 1st floor of the Gallery, at the left side of the main entrance.
Min Tanaka “Locus Focus”
Performance: 15:00
After Talk: 16:00 with Min Tanaka & Ondrej Hurb (Director, Archa Theatre)


There will be screenings of the films Min Tanaka had appeared and documentations of his dance during the period of the exhibition. The films are as follows:

★Movie “Umihiko Yamahiko Maihiko: Min Tanaka’s Dance Road in Indonesia”
  (2007/Japan/Color/120 min)
   Director: Katsumi Yutani
★Movie“Hokaibito: Ina no Seigetsu”
   Director: MiNAO KITAMURA

  (2010/Japan and Spain/8mm Monochrome/27min)
   Director: Xabier Iriond
★Theater Piece “The Rite of Spring —end-of-the-century version”
  (1998/Chekhov Art Theater, Moscow, Russia/73 min/NTSC/VHS)
★Min Tanaka “Locus Focus” 2005 to 2008
  (Videographer: Rin Ishihara/ Editing: Yusuke Sasaki/ Supervisor: Min Tanaka)
★Min Tanaka solo dance “Dance Hakushu 2005”
   Record: Ondrej Hrab


★Movie “Umihiko Yamahiko Maihiko: Min Tanaka’s Dance Road in Indonesia”
  (2007/Japan/Color/120 min)
  Director: Katsumi Yutani
★Movie“Hokaibito: Ina no Seigetsu”
  Director: MiNAO KITAMURA

Above, the film works marked with read and cross-lined were planned to be show, however, due to the screening conditions for their contents being featured-length, they will be shown in Archa Theater during the National Gallery’s exhibition period.
We will announce the additional screening schedule as soon as possible.
We apologize for any inconvenience for the last-minute change.