plan-B 主催
2017 年10 月13 日(金)
ロジャー・ターナー duo with 田中泯
開場:19:45 (開演:20:00)
1970年代初頭から英国を拠点に活動。ソロ、実験的ロックミュージシャンやフリースタイルの歌手との共演、前衛ダンス、映画や現代芸術家らとの捜索活動に参加する等、精力的に活動。ワークショップやジャズ音楽ベースのアンサンブルにも多数参加。共演者の名を挙げたら遑がないが、アネット・ピーコック、セシル・テイラー、チャールス・ゲイル、フィル・ミントン、が挙げられる。 2013年には、原美術館にて大友良英と共演し、鮮烈かつ鋭角的なパーカッション演奏を見せた。田中泯とは昨年、大好評だったエッグファームでの共演を経て今回が2回目のスペシャル公演となる。
住所:東京都中野区弥生町4-26-20 モナーク中野B1
(plan-B 入り口は中野通り沿いになります、ご注意ください)
電話:03-3383-2051 (当日のみ対応可能)
★Roger Turner is coming to Japan!★Japan Tour 2017! ★
plan-B presents:
DUO performance with Roger Turner and Min Tanaka
Date: Friday, October 13th, 2017
Time: Door Opens at 19:45, and Starting at 20:00
Tickets: 3500 yen (available only with reservations)
Reservation(only E-mail): This performance is sold out! Thank you very much.
Address: Yayoi-chou4-26-20 Monarch-NakanoB1,Nakano-Ku,Tokyo,Japan164-0013
Roger Turner
Turner has been actively working as a drummer and percussionist based in England since early 1970’s. The extensive variety of his music creation and investigations into the possibilities of music includes collaborations with experimental rock music and open-form songs, and creative activities with avant-garde dance, films, and contemporary visual artists, as well as a number of his solo works. Also, he has given workshops, established an independent label, and worked with numerous Jazz-based ensembles. His numerous collaborators include Annette Peacock, Cecil Taylor, Charles Gayle, and Phil Minton, among many. In 2013, Turner collaborated with Yoshihide Otomo in Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, playing vivid and acute percussion performance. After receiving superb acclaim for the performance with Min Tanaka last year at HALL EGG FARM, This performance will be the second special session with Roger Turner and Min Tanaka.
Min Tanaka
Tanaka is an experimental dancer and choreographer. In 1974, he developed a unique style known as ‘hyper-dance’ which emphasizes the psycho-physical unity of the body. It is not too much to say that Tanaka’s approach to dance is the act of exploration of the fundamental elements which are inherently immanent in dance, rather than confined by the principles of an existing technique. His idiosyncratic solo performances are mostly not based on a pre-determined choreography. They are pure experiments to be receptive to the space’s history, fatal connections, or the entire reactions of the audiences in each place. ‘I dance NOT in the place; I dance the place.’ he has said. At plan-B, where a number of historically significant improvisation music performances have been held, he will make a new journey with radical percussionist Roger Turner!
Please Note: Roger Turner’s profile was revised from the A-flyer for immediate release. Either of them are correct information; however, the above is the latest update. Thank you. –plan-B