フランス ポワティエ市 田中泯「場踊り」

『トラヴェルセ キムスージャ』

Art Biennial ー Traversées Kimsooja
October 12, 2019 – January 19, 2020.
Poitier City, France
Art director: Emma Ravin, Emmanuelle de Montgazon

Traversées / Kimsooja is the first contemporary art biannual hosted by the city of Poitiers and artist Kim Sooja presents one of her largest projects including her film series with a new chapter and site-specific installation. The biennale also invites various artist from around the world, presenting ambitious artworks and programs throughout the city.

Min Tanaka “Locus Focus” Schedule

2019.11.2_15時_サン・クロアワ美術館_Saint-Croix Museum
Sat, Nov. 2, at 15: Courtyard of Saint-Croix Museum

2019.11.3_15時_アキテーヌ公宮殿1回目_Palace Aquitaine
Sun, Nov. 3, at 15: Palace Aquitaine, starting at the front

Mon, Nov. 4, Private Performance (movie shooting Only): Saint Jean Baptist Church

Wed. Nov. 6, at 16: Saint Louis Chapel/Sound: Rin Ishihara

Mon, Nov. 7, Private Performance (movie shooting Only): Quelques ruelles

Fri, Nov. 8, at 18: Outside of the Church of Notre Dame la Grande

Sun, Nov. 10, at 15: Palace Aquitaine, starting at the front
Team Inudo Main Unit departs Poitiers.

Wed, Nov. 13, time TBD: Saint Louis Chapel_2nd/Sound: Rin Ishihara

Thu, Nov. 14, at 11: Garden of the Villa Bloch

2019.11.15_16時_ブロサック公園_ Parc Blossac
Fri. Nov. 15, time TBD: Parc Blossac

Sat. Nov. 16, time TBD: From the garden of St. Radegonde Shurch


11月14日(木)に、ポワティエ市の市長、Alain Claeys 氏より特別に田中泯は市勲章を授与されました。
I shared Min Tanaka’s Locus Focus in Poitiers, France, and, on Thursday November 14th, he has awarded a special medal of the city by its Mayor Alain Claeys.

授与式の際のAlain Claeys 氏からの田中泯への言葉より(一部抜粋)

A quote from a speech by the Mayor Alain Claeys for Min Tanaka at the medal-awarding ceremony:
I went to see the first Locus Focus in Poitiers. Then, I went again a few more times. When I saw his first dance, at the courtyard of the museum, I have already decided [to award the medal.] When I you [Min] begin dancing, the place becomes silent, and the people gather there are immersed by the moments. I witnessed the beautiful moments in which our ordinary place was transformed to another scenery by your existence.



In the evening of November 13th, we received a surprising contact from Ms. Hélène AMBLÈS (Deputy Director General of the Cultural Heritage in Poitiers). It was in the middle of our three-week project which Min dances at a number of historic and important places across Poitiers. It is our first time to perform in the city, and also it is rare for him to stay in a place so long. And, the Locus Focus here will end tomorrow. Needless to say, so many people have joined their effort to make this project happen—for Min to dance at this place. I sincerely wish I could write out all of their names here for my appreciation. Min and I were touched by the warmth of the ceremony, as well as of the mayor Claeys’s personality and his words. Not just the staff and people concerned but many local people have come to see Min’s dance. How delightful that is for him! I am sure they are surprised to see his dance for the first time! To the people of Poitiers, Min and I would like to express our deepest appreciation. Thank you very much for having us here.

Min Tanaka
Rin Ishihara
Madada Inc.

このメダルは、メダルアーティストの ルネ・マヨ(Renée Mayot)によって特別に作られ、パリ造弊局で特別な鋳造をされた。フィレンツェ産の銅で鋳造されたこのメダルにはアーティストとパリ造弊局の極印がされている。表と裏には街の歴史と建築の宝の絵が入り、開かれた将来への展望を表している。ロマネスクの至宝であるノートルダム大聖堂は古い街の屋根屋根を見下ろし、ポワチエの歴史の中心がクラン川とブワーブル川の間に生まれたことを思い起こさせてくれる。多様な地層が街の歴史的・芸術的豊さを証明している:ローマ城壁の一部、サン・ジャン洗礼堂の低い地形、アリエノール・ダキテーヌ(アキテーヌ公)が1199年に公布した憲章の抜粋、ノートルダム大聖堂の一部。球体が大きな対角線の上にあり、その下に行くつもの点線が描かれている。これは将来に向けて開かれた街であり、自身の歴史のページを今後も豊かに書き足し続けて行くことを象徴している。
※about medal
This medal was specially created by medal artist Renée Mayot and specifically casted by Paris Mint. Made of copper from Florence, Italy, the medal has the name of the artist and the mint engraved. It also has pictures of the city’s history and heritage architectures on the both sides expressing its bright future. In the picture, the Church of Notre Dame la Grande, a Romanesque treasure, is looking over the roofs of houses of the historic town—a reminder that the center of the city’s history had begun at the place, between Clain river and Boivre River. The diverse stratum is a proof of the city’s rich history and artistic wealth: The part of a Roman wall, the low landform of the Baptistere Saint-Jean, a selected part of the charter which Eleanor of Aquitaine issued in 1199, and the part of the Church of Notre Dame la Grande. A globe is positioned on top of a long diagonal line, and dotted lines are drawn below. The design symbolizes that the city always opens its door to the future and it will proudly continue to add a new page to its profound history.