2020年3月14日「ミュージックボックス ビレッジ『エアリフト』」(アメリカ ルイジアナ州 ニューオリンズ)でミュージシャンのQUINTRONと公演をします。(英語表示のみ、詳細は以下へ)是非この特別な場所でいらしてください! Madada Inc.
[UPDATE] It is with regret that the part of this event with Min Tanaka’s performance has been canceled, due to the coronavirus situation.
Min Tanaka (dancer)
After trained in classical ballet and modern dance, he began his solo activities in 1974 developing ‘hyper-dance,’ a new style of physical expression, which has led him to his internationally debuted at the Louvre Museum in 1978. His performance—extremely gentle and infinitesimal movement to withdraw the potentiality of a body— impacted on the art world, far beyond the dance scene as a brad-new artistic expression. In 1985, he moved to a village in the mountainside where he still resides, in search for deeper physicality in his daily life based on farming. Since his first appearance in a film Twilight Samurai (Shochiku) in 2002, he has also actively performed in numerous films including Rurouni Kenshin (Warner Bros.) and a Netflix film The Outsider.
QUINTRON (musician)