原美術館 田原桂一「光合成」with 田中泯

English announcement follows below.
9月から12月の間 3回 原美術館でおどります!

写真家・田原桂一とダンサー・田中泯が創り上げる《光と身体》のフォトセッション、田原桂一 写真展にて。

田原桂一「光合成」with 田中泯
Keiichi Tahara: Photosynthesis
with Min Tanaka

田中泯 オドリ
第1回 9月30日[土] ←完売御礼!申し込みは終了いたしました!
予約受付開始 9月12日[火] 11:00 am~
第2回 11月18日[土] ←完売御礼!申し込みは終了いたしました!
予約受付開始 10月31日[火] 11:00 am~
第3回 12月23日[土・祝] 
予約受付開始 12月5日[火]11:00 am~




会場: 原美術館 中庭(晴雨にかかわらず)

開場: 6:00 pm
   ★5:00 -6:00 pmは準備のため閉館します

開演: 7:00 pm

参加費: 一人一回3,000円(入館料込)

メールアドレス event@haramuseum.or.jp

①「イベント申込み:●月●日 田中泯 オドリ」




TEL: 03-3445-0651(代表)
E-mail event@haramuseum.or.jp

展覧会名: 田原桂一「光合成」with 田中泯
英語題名 Keiichi Tahara: Photosynthesis with Min Tanaka
会期:2017年9月9日(土)ー12月24日(日) 開催日数=92日

主催・会場: 原美術館 
協力: アトリエマツダイラ、株式会社写真弘社、株式会社トップアート鎌倉
特別協力: 株式会社ビィルト、スーパーラボ

開館時間: 11:00am-5:00pm(祝日を除く水曜は8:00pmまで/入館は閉館時刻の30分前まで)
休館日: 月曜(祝日にあたる9月18日、10月9日は開館)、9月19日、10月10日
入館料: 一般1,100円、大高生700円、小中生500円



Keiichi Tahara: Photosynthesis with Min Tanaka
September 9 (Saturday) – December 24 (Sunday), 2017

■ Related Events:Min Tanaka Dance

1st Performance: September 31 (Saturday) Reservations accepted from 11:00 am on September 12 (Tuesday). It is sold out! We are sorry!!

2nd Performance: November 18 (Saturday) Reservations accepted from 11:00 am on October 30 (Tuesday).

3rd Performance: December 23 (Saturday/national holiday) Reservations accepted from 11:00 am on December 5 (Tuesday).

* Information for All Performances
Venue: The Courtyard Garden at the Hara Museum of Contemporary Art

Venue opens at 6:00 pm (Guests may view the current exhibition prior to curtain time. Please note that the museum will be closed to the public between 5:00 and 6:00 for preparations.)

Performance starts at 7:00 pm

Ticket Price: ¥ 3,000 per person (includes museum admission); ¥ 2,000 for Hara Museum members and up to one accompanying person.

How to reserve: Please apply by email to: event@haramuseum.or.jp. Write the date of the performance and “Min Tanaka Dance” on the subject line, followed in the body by your name, contact number and number of accompanying persons. Hara Museum members should also include their membership number. Reservations will be confirmed by return mail.

※Requests will be processed on a first come, first served basis until the seating capacity is reached.
※Please send a separate request for each performance you wish to attend. A single request for multiple performances will not be accepted.
※The performances will take place outdoors (in the courtyard garden) regardless of the weather conditions. Please note that the performances will be standing room-only (no seating will be provided).

Exhibition Details

Title: Keiichi Tahara: Photosynthesis with Min Tanaka
Dates: September 9 (Saturday) – December 24 (Sunday), 2017

Venue/Organizer: Hara Museum of Contemporary Art
(4-7-25 Kitashinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140-0001 Tel: 03-3445-0651) 

E-mail: info@haramuseum.or.jp
Website: http://www.haramuseum.or.jp
Mobile site: http://mobile.haramuseum.or.jp
Blog: http://www.art-it.asia/u/HaraMuseum
Twitter: http://twitter.com/haramuseum (in Japanese only / account name: @haramuseum)

Cooperation provided by: l’Atelier Matsudaira, Shashin Kosha, Top Art Kamakura Ltd.
Special cooperation provided by: BUILT Ltd., SUPER LABO

Hours: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm, Wednesdays until 8:00 pm
(5:00 pm if a national holiday)
(last entry 30 minutes before closing)

Closed: Mondays (except September 18 and October 9), September 19 and October 10

Admission: General 1,100 yen; Students 700 yen (high school and university) or 500 yen (elementary and junior high); Free for Hara Museum members, students through high school every Saturday during the school term; 100 yen discount per person for groups of 20 or more

Directions to the museum: 5 minutes by taxi or 15 minutes on foot from JR Shinagawa Station (Takanawa exit); or from the same station take the No.96 bus, get off at the first stop (Gotenyama), and walk 3 minutes

Guided tours: Free Japanese-language tours are given by a museum curator every Sunday and national holiday, starting at 2:30 pm and lasting about 30 minutes. No reservation is required. Free mini-tours in English are also available on a periodic basis. Please enquire at the admission counter on the day of your visit.