Archa Theatre / Auditions for a new project of Min Tanaka

Arche Theater official information for Japanese.
English announcement follows below.

田中泯 新プロジェクトのためのオーディション
・オーディションは田中泯氏との約20 分の個人面談形式となります。
※ ダンス、パフォーマンス、詩作、インスタレーションなどなど。即興は不可。
日時:2016年12月13日火曜日 ― 16日金曜日
場所:アルカシアター Na Porici 26, Prague 1
申し込み方法 (日本語には対応しておりません)
emailにて: Jindrich Krippner
ご持参: the Archa Theatre 電話+420-221-716-111
ご郵送: Na Porici 26, Praha 1, Czech Republic, Archa Theatre /Min Tanaka audition



Auditions for a new project of Min Tanaka.
Japanese dancer and choreographer Min Tanaka is preparing a new project at the Archa Theatre, Prague.
For this project the Archa Theatre is looking for artists regardless of age and their artistic focus. Auditions will take the form of individual meetings with Min Tanaka of approximately 20 minutes. Participants will prepare a short sample of their work in 1-5 minutes in length. It can be dance, performance art, poetry, art installations etc. Improvisation is not accepted.
Thematic entry: ” My Present Moment.”
The condition of the presentation is expression of active attitude towards social, political and environmental problems of today’s world.
When: from Tuesday, December 13 to Friday, December 16
2016 Where: Archa Theatre [Na Porici 26, Prague 1]
The project will be rehearsed during April and May 2017 in the Archa Theatre.
Applicants can sign up:
a) by e-mail to Jindrich Krippner –
b) submit an application in person at the Archa Theatre[Na Porici 26, Praha 1, Czech Republic], phone:+420-221-716-111
Please attach a brief biography and possibly samples of your work.
Application deadline: December 9, 2016
Archa Theatre will not cover travel expenses or accommodation of the applicants.