公演 田中泯「場踊り」フランス アンジェにて
2012年1月9日 並び2012年1月11日 19:30より Abbey of Roncerayにて
2012年1月10日 19:30より CNDCスタジオにて
Locus Focus Min Tanaka solo dance
Monday the 9th and Wednesday, January 11 at 19:30 Abbey of Ronceray
Tuesday, January 10 at 19:30 The Quay, studio of creation CNDC
Produce by:CNDC
Centre national de danse contemporaine Angers
Centre chorégraphique national
École supérieure de danse contemporaine
17, rue de la Tannerie
BP 50107
49101 Angers Cedex 02
Tél +33 (0)2 44 01 22 66
Fax +33 (0)2 41 01 22 77
Japan diptych
Locus Focus –Min Tanaka
Two major Japanese artists, Kô Murobushi and Tanaka Min, maintaining a more or less strong link with the dance butô, “dance of darkness” or “dance of the obscure body”, founded in Japan in the Sixties by Tatsumi Hijikata. ———- < Note :We are sorry that There is the mistake in CNDC publication!>
Min Tanaka is correct French inscription. Is it not Tanaka Min.
Recently, Min Tanaka did not take as for generic name [Buto Dancer] anymore. Of course Min Tanaka is an avant-garde and experimental dancer, deeply inspired by Tatsumi Hizikata, founder of Ankoku Butoh, Dance of Darkness.
From the first (The 60’s latter half), Min Tanaka was the play completely there was no air which forms “the stage for the Art”.
He was much more the focus was decided especially of the flesh(body itself).