Dec 16—18 at Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre Playhouse! We’ll do a theatrical performance. Ticket sales begin on Nov 5. #MinTanaka #SeigowMatsuoka #HiroshiSugimoto ★Special Participation: #HidetaroHonjoh #GembeyYamaguchi ★Cast: Min Tanaka #RinIshihara #AtsushiOgata #SoraHokimoto #KentaMishima With all the staff❗️Looking forward to seeing you there.
Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre official web site
Min Tanaka
Seigow Matsuoka
Hiroshi Sugimoto
Dance Min Tanaka RYOKAN The Minute Neighbor
In a floating snowflake
Arise Michiafuchi — three thousand worlds
And within each of them
Light snow also floats down
Hi, Fu, Mi, a moment of gasp
I, Mu, Na, a dance-teller to come
His site is just right.
Fri, December 16, 2022, at 7:00 PM
Sat, December 17, 2022, at 3:00 and 7:00 PM
Sun, December 18, 2022, at 3:00 PM
Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre Playhouse
Cast: Min Tanaka, Rin Ishihara /Atsushi Ogata, Sora Hokimoto, Kenta Mishima
【Special Participation】
Hidetaro Honjoh (song composition, traditional Japanese singing, and shamisen), Gembey Yamaguchi (costume)
Presented by Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre, Arts Council Tokyo/Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Production Associates: Madada Inc., MATSUOKA & ASSOCIATES
Planning and Production: Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre
Supported by the Agency for Cultural Affairs Government of Japan in the fiscal 2022, The Japan Arts Council
Thanks to Kondaya Gembey Inc., ONAO Co., Ltd., Kusumi Sakan Kyoto, plan-B
Dance-teller Min Tanaka takes on to dance RYOKAN with the best lineup!
Ryokan is highly recognized as a Zen Buddhist monk, poet, and calligrapher; however, his existence had, and still has multifaceted aspects that would indeed escape those categories. What is it about him that has long attracted many artists and researchers to date?
“Ryokan dancing in the light snow falling in three thousand worlds,” wrote Editorial engineer Seigow Matsuoka in his treatise on Ryokan, entitled Soto wa Ryokan, depicting the subject with ingenious images. Inspired by the book, dancer Min Tanaka will create a performance to approach the incomparable Ryokan as a dance-teller. And contemporary artist Hiroshi Sugimoto takes part in this epoch-making project. The three creators who had traversed their paths of expression and joined forces in the past, get together for the exquisite collaboration of Body Language (Tanaka), Language Space (Matsuoka), and Space Trance-jection (Sugimoto), to represent Ryokan.
Moreover, Hidetaro Honjoh, shamisen player and composer, joins the project with his traditional Japanese singing and shamisen via original recording, and Obi (Kimono Sash) manufacturer Kondaya Gembey provides one-of-a-kind costumes. In addition to the best artists of our time, top picks of the cast and staff who have supported Min Tanaka’s dance activities will come together. We are pleased to present RYOKAN the minute neighbor to celebrate the end of the year 2022. Do not miss the finest of theatrical dance art!
Stage Manager: Yasunori Goto (NIKE STAGE WORKS)
Lighting: Ami, also Ikuma Ogawa (SECT Inc.)
Sound: Shiro Murakami, Mai Takahashi
Stage Art: Ran Tanaka
Assistants to Stage Art: Keishi Suzuki, Koichi Nonaka, Ryuhei Fujita, Jumpei Mori, Ryosuke Yamamoto
Video Production: Shunsuke Watanabe
Costume: Gembey Yamaguchi (Kondaya Gembey Inc.)
Costume Support: Kyu (Yolken CO., LTD.), Daisuke Matsubara
Production Associates: Kaho Ota, Kenji Teradaira (MATSUOKA & ASSOCIATES)
Production Staff: Rin Ishihara, Risa Ikeda, Azusa Shirai (Madada Inc.)
【Recording and Documentation】
Stage Photography: Itaru Hirama
Stage Video Recording: Yasuhito Komori (Editorial Engineering Laboratory)
【Publicity Design 】
Kazutoshi Mikan (MIKAN-DESIGN Inc.)
Minoru Ichige
Ticket Price (tax included; reserved-seating only)
S section: 6,500 yen; A section: 5,000 yen; Senior (65 years old and above): 4,500 yen; U25 (25 years old and under): 3,500 yen; High schoolers and younger: 1,000 yen
Please Inquire Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre Box Office for restrictions and more information.
【Ticketing and Inquiry】
Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre Box Office:
0570-010-296 (10 AM—7 PM, except closing day)
*The number unavailable with PHS, IP Phones and some cellphone service.
*Available all day except maintenance time
【Other Ticketing Services】
Ticket PIA
Seven-Eleven (P code: 515-921)
E plus (e+)
FamilyMart stores
Loppi system at Lawson and Ministop stores (L code: 32849)
*Toll free (10 AM—6 PM on weekdays, operator service)
【Ticket Sales Date】
Ticket sales begins on Saturday, November 5, 2022, at 10:00 AM
【Presenter, Subsidy, and Support Organizations】
Presented by Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre, Arts Council Tokyo/Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Production Associates: Madada Inc., MATSUOKA & ASSOCIATES
Planning and Production: Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre
Supported by the Agency for Cultural Affairs Government of Japan in the fiscal 2022, The Japan Arts Council
Thanks to Kondaya Gembey Inc., ONAO Co., Ltd., Kusumi Sakan Kyoto, plan-B

#MinTanaka #SeigowMatsuoka #HiroshiSugimoto