Min Tanaka in
Sao Paulo, Ouro Preto, Rio de Janeiro
Sao Paulo
Sponsorship by Sesc
CPT Studio
Sesc Consolation
Publication photograph by Manoj Parameswaran
Street drachma New Village 245 7th floor Tel 55 11 32343077 (Emerson)
14 July- second fair (monday)
7pm- conference studio in CPT
with Kuniichi Uno and Christine Greiner
and Min Tanaka translation
by Michiko Okano and Christine Greiner
15 July- terca fair (tuesday)
8pm- performance première Locus Focus
16 July- Wednesday (wednesday)
3pm- private performance will be
8pm- second performance Locus Focus
Ouro Preto
Sponsorship by
Ouro Preto Winter Festival 2014 [Festival de inverno]
Publication photograph by Itaru Hirama
18 July- Friday
Ouro Preto – Mariana
8pm- performance Locus Focus
Centro de Cultura SESI-Mariana – Rua Frei Durao,
22 – Centro – Mariana/MG – CEP: 35420-000
Telefax: (31) 3557 – 1041
19 July- Saturday
8pm- Min Tanaka participat in performance
[Wharf of Sheep of the Cia “Ueinzz”]
20 July- Sunday
4pm- Min Tanaka outside performance “Locus Focus”
Publication photograph by Itaru Hirama
Mount of the Gallows
Rio de Janeiro
Sponsorship by Sesc
22 July- Tuesday
9pm- Min Tanaka performance “Locus Focus”
Theater of enclosure for bullfighting Space
“Sesc Copacabana”
Street Sundays Ferreira 160